Monday, March 21, 2016

Similarities and dissimilarities between the boy who cried wolf and people who advocate Peak Oil

Similarity: Wolf did not come as the boy cried for several times; World oil production did not peak as some “peak oil advocators” predicted for several decades. 

Dissimilarity: The boy intentionally wanted to trick the villagers; Peak Oil advocators did not intentionally want to trick people. Some of them just failed to understand and predict how development of technology would impact on discovery and exploitation of new oil resources.

Similarity: There were wolves; There are limitations of oil resources. The nature of wolves that they eat sheep did not change; The nature of fossil oil resources that they are non-renewable and limited does not change. 

Similarity: Wolf came suddenly; Peak Oil will come, possibly in a sudden way.

Similarity: The boy and the villagers should not have dropped off their guard for wolves; Peak Oil advocators,  policy makers and people should not drop off their guard for future oil crisis.